Light4Lungs departs from current paradigms as bacterial infections will be treated by a breathable light source, thus:
(1) Without including any externally added drug it overcomes the multidrug resistance profile;
(2) With eliciting the therapeutic action by a breathable light source it avoids the use of invasive physical tethers.
The encompasses the development of particles with persistent luminescence, the aerosol technology for activation and delivery to the lungs, and the definition of the treatment parameters through toxicity and efficacy tests in clinically relevant models of respiratory infections. Its results have the potential to go beyond treatment of recalcitrant respiratory tract bacterial infections to other lung diseases and to other organs, enriching fields of healthcare, nanomedicine, materials science and nanotechnology.

Project objectives
The Consortium, with 8 partners from 4 countries, is highly interdisciplinary and synergetic, combining several different scientific areas from photonics to medicine, including materials chemistry, physical chemistry, photo-physics, pharmaceutics, photobiology and microbiology. Multidisciplinary teams will be assemble to ensure cross-talk between disciplines and specialists throughout the project.
Facts in brief

Last News
RP2 project review
On Wednesday, January 18th, 2023, the Light4Lungs consortium had its second review meeting with the European Commission. The project coordinator and the project partners reported on the scientific, management, communications and dissemination progress made...
i2C PHARM participation at the DDL2022 conference
Dr Chen Zhen represented i2c Pharmaceutical Services, one of our project partners, at the Drug Delivery to the Lungs (DDL2022) Conference that took place in Edinburgh from December 7th to December 9th. This annual event, which combines face-to-face and virtual...
Barcelona consortium meeting
On Monday, November 7th, and Tuesday, November 8th, we held our latest consortium meeting at the Ohla Eixample Hotel in Barcelona. The purpose of this meeting was to prepare for the report and the activities of each WP for the upcoming 6 months, which was addressed by...